{IDOL CORNER} It's Okay (For My Fans) ♪

POSTED ON: Sunday, January 09, 2011 @ 7:28 PM | 0 comments


.: English Translation :.

For My Fans. Be with you forever.
Love You. Please stay with me.

The warm rising sun greets me when I wake and open my eyes in the morning
When I get tired of work and it becomes difficult, I miss your face

On these days, you raise your hands for me and always greet me with a bright smile
Even if only that one person is by my side.

I’m okay, if it’s only you I’m okay
If you stay by my side, even when I am tired and fall, I can still get up and smile
If you can promise me that heart for the rest of this life, I will be okay
It’s okay, it’s okay

It’s hidden deep in me, even though I know you’re looking at me
Truthfully, I think about you every day and can’t sleep, my heart knows you

Always with a bright smile and warm hands held out for a tired me
Even if only that one person is by my side

I’m okay, if it’s only you I’m okay
If you stay by my side, even when I am tired and fall, I can still get up and smile
If you can promise me that heart for the rest of this life, I will be okay
It’s okay, it’s okay

I’m okay, if it’s only you I’m okay
If you stay by my side, even when I am tired and fall, I can still get up and smile
If you can promise me that heart for the rest of this life, I will be okay
It’s okay, it’s okay

Even if it’s only that one, it’s okay I will cherish that one forever
It’s okay now, where ever I am I will promise one thing
I will always cherish that one

*credit: fcuzed :)


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